Ronnie Rascals
Dog Obedience
Training Club
The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bronze Award aims to produce a dog that will walk and behave in a controlled manner.
The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme Silver Award aims to build upon the skills learned in the Bronze Award while increasing the level of difficulty.
The Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme Gold Award is the highest level of achievement for the scheme.
We are a small, friendly, non-profit club registered with the Kennel Club. This allows the club to train and undertake the testing of the Good Citizen Dog Scheme for the Bronze, Silver, and Gold.
You will be trained to train your dogs, from puppies to older dogs, pedigree or mongrels; they all have the potential to learn obedience and socialisation skills and are welcome at our club.
We do use reward-based training, including toys and voice. No harsh methods are used. Our aim is that the dog and handler should enjoy the training, and both will gain confidence, and you will be able to control your dog in all situations.
Please feel free to contact us; our details are on the contact page. Should you wish to become a member and have fun training your dog, we look forward to welcoming new and past members to encourage responsible dog ownership.

Start Training Early
Training your dog or dogs from an early age can be beneficial to both the dogs and the owner
One Two Three Four
Having more than one dog provides companionship and keeps them happy but it’s wise to train them all
Dog training provides numerous benefits to both the dog and the owner. If you own a dog, you naturally understand his basic needs for food, water, and medical care. Nowadays, training is widely accepted as another need for dogs that is almost as important as their other needs. If you have any questions, please call or click below and send us an email.